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            時間:2023-06-13 來源:http://m.wkrd.com.cn/ 發布人:昌盛機械

            1. 適合大規模玻璃深加工企業使用,降低生產勞動強度,節省人力,提高生產效率。
            1. Suitable for large-scale glass deep processing enterprises, reducing production labor intensity, saving manpower, and improving production efficiency.
            2. 整機采用人機界面、操作簡潔方便直觀。
            2. The entire machine adopts a human-machine interface, which is simple, convenient, and intuitive to operate.
            3. 涂膠后玻璃邊部飽滿無氣線,角部充實,四邊表面平整無需修角。
            3. After gluing, the edges of the glass are full without air lines, the corners are solid, and the surface on all four sides is flat without the need for corner trimming.
            4. 使用兩套完全獨立的供膠系統(包括混膠器),兩種密封膠切換容易一鍵式操作。
            4. Using two completely independent glue supply systems (including a glue mixer), switching between the two types of sealants is easy with one click operation.
            5. 第三段可預存玻璃有效的提高了生產效率。
            The third stage can effectively improve production efficiency by pre storing glass.
            6. 伺服電機采用世界知名(日本安川)使用壽命長。
            6. The servo motor adopts a world-renowned brand (Yaskawa, Japan) with a long service life.
            7. 同步帶式傳送使玻璃傳送平穩定位。
            7. Synchronous belt conveyor ensures smooth positioning of glass conveyor.
            8. The equipment parts are produced with high standardization and precision, ensuring the long-term stable use of the equipment.
            9. 控制系統采用日本安川,性能穩定。
            9. The control system adopts the Japanese brand Yaskawa, with stable performance.
            10. 支持三層玻璃涂膠,一次完成,無需重復包括異形玻璃。
            10. Support three layers of glass coating, completed in one go, without the need to repeat including irregular glass.

            聯系我們Contact us

            • 咨詢熱線:0531-85717458 13705446998
            • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業園
            • 掃碼聯系我們:



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