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            什么是全自動膠機? 適用范圍是什么?

            時間:2019-11-04 來源:http://m.wkrd.com.cn/ 發布人:昌盛機械

              雙組份打膠機的小編這就帶大家來了解一下全自動滴膠機適用于全自動化生產線所需要的點膠需要。毫無疑問,點膠精度需要高速性、穩定性、操作性、及持久性的高度符合。 全自動滴膠機在生產半導體、電子零部件、LCD制作等普遍范疇的更先輩產物的制作過程當中,贏患了高度的評估與深厚的信任。
              The small edition of the two-component dispenser brings you to know the dispensing requirements of the fully automatic dispenser for the fully automatic production line. There is no doubt that dispensing accuracy needs high speed, stability, operability, and durability In the production process of the most advanced products in the field of semiconductor, electronic parts, LCD production, etc., the automatic glue dropping machine has won high evaluation and deep trust.
              全自動滴膠機適用于工業生產的各個范疇:手機按鍵、印花、開關、連接器、電腦、數碼產品、數碼相機、MP3 、MP4 、電子玩具、喇叭、蜂鳴器、電子元器件、集成電路、電路板、LCD液晶屏、繼電器、揚聲器、晶振元件、LED燈、機殼粘接、胸牌、logo、芯片、標牌、光學鏡頭、機器部件密封。經由過程應用氣壓和以微處理器為基礎的準時裝配來調理涂敷到部件上的流體量,代替了操作員的工資預測。
              The fully automatic glue dropping machine is applicable to all fields of industrial production: mobile phone keys, printing, switches, connectors, computers, digital products, digital cameras, MP3, MP4, electronic toys, horns, buzzers, electronic components, integrated circuits, circuit boards, LCD liquid crystal screens, relays, loudspeakers, crystal elements, LED lights, shell bonding, badges, logos, chips, signs Sealing of optical lens and machine parts. In place of the operator's salary forecast, the amount of fluid applied to the component is adjusted by applying air pressure and microprocessor-based timing.

              Applicable fluids of the automatic glue dropping machine: all kinds of soluble, adhesive, oil, paint, chemical substances, solid glue, etc., including silica gel, EMI conductive adhesive, UV glue, AB glue, quick drying adhesive, epoxy glue, sealant, hot glue, grease, silver glue, red glue, solder paste, heat dissipation paste, anti solder paste, transparent paint, screw fixing agent, carpenter glue, anaerobic glue, acrylic glue, anti abrasion glue, crystal glue, penetration Glue, horn glue, instant glue, rubber, paint, enamel, lacquer, ink, pigment, etc.
              Like friends please continue to pay attention to our two-component dispenser website, more details are here!

            聯系我們Contact us

            • 咨詢熱線:0531-85717458 13705446998
            • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業園
            • 掃碼聯系我們:



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