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            時間:2020-11-24 來源:http://m.wkrd.com.cn/ 發布人:昌盛機械

            The two-component gluing machine is divided into automatic, semi-automatic and fully automatic. Many customers do not understand how to start the machine and how to operate it. So Changsheng will tell you how to do it.
            1 要了解為什么要使用雙組份打膠機來工作
            First of all, we should understand why we should use the two-component glue machine to work
            In the production of glass, the key is to use a large amount of sealant in the production process.
            Operation method of two-component gluing machine:
            1 打開氣泵開關,電源總開關,控制臺開關,在控制臺按手動按鈕
            1. First turn on the air pump switch, the main power switch and the console switch, and press the manual button in the console
            2 然后在顯示屏上找到原點設定,點擊輔助原點設定,然后點擊頭部原點設定
            2. Then find the origin setting on the display screen, click the auxiliary origin setting, and then click the head origin setting
            3 注意原點設定時避免頭部和輔助吸盤碰撞。等設定好然后返回找到玻璃厚度設定
            3. Pay attention to avoid collision between the head and the auxiliary suction cup when setting the origin. After setting, return to find the glass thickness setting
            4 先是玻璃的厚度然后是鋁隔條然后還是玻璃的厚度
            First the thickness of the glass, then the aluminum spacer, and then the thickness of the glass
            5 after input, click settings to enter. Wait for the command position to be consistent with the current position value. Pay attention to no glass on the conveyor belt when setting.

            Analysis of the operation of the two-component glue applicator:
            1 開始打膠要看每條邊每個角打膠是否均勻
            1. To start gluing, you should see whether the glue is evenly applied on each edge and corner
            2 在屏幕上點擊返回找到密封配方,點擊進入,會顯示當前密封壓力
            2 on the screen, click back to find the sealing formula, and click enter to display the current sealing pressure
            3 如果每條邊都缺膠,那么可增加壓力,壓力大膠量大,壓力小膠量就小。
            3. If each side is short of glue, the pressure can be increased. If the pressure is large, the glue quantity is small when the pressure is small.

            聯系我們Contact us

            • 咨詢熱線:0531-85717458 13705446998
            • 公司地址: 山東省德州市齊河安頭鄉企巢工業園
            • 掃碼聯系我們:



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